Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: These are challenging times. With newsfeeds constantly reminding us of global problems, plus the difficulties we face in our lives, it's easy to get locked into a negative mindset. Which means it's easy too, to overlook the delights of living, right now, on planet Earth. Yet there's just as much love around as there's ever been. And when we do our best to act out of kindness, ripples of optimism spread. The astrological Buck Moon reminds you of all you've got to be grateful for. And when you feel good, more goodness comes your way.
Now, do you want to know more about what's going to happen to you, when it's going to happen and why? Get yourself a full, 'spookily accurate' horoscope birth-chart report, and you'll find out. Download your Birth Chart report here!
July 13, 2024
Your Weekly Horoscope: If you don't watch an episode of your favourite TV show, you'll miss what's going on. You'd have to guess at the plot's development, knowing that there was a high risk of you getting it wrong. Because if the storyline was predictable, you wouldn't be interested in watching the show! And even if you checked online to see people's comments, you'd miss out on the complexities of the drama. Think twice before stepping back from a tricky situation this week. If you stay involved, you'll be able to exert your influence on what happens next.
July 12, 2024
Ruled by Venus, you're inspired to look for beauty (in people and in your environment) and to appreciate life. You do what you can to make the world a better place. It's not easy work. If only you had a magic potion that would get rid of anger and resentment and make people more tolerant and accepting. Failing that, this weekend, with your ruler in such a strong position, you can find creative ways to make positive change. If you empower the people around you, they'll make decisions that benefit themselves... and you.
July 11, 2024
You're ambitious but not greedy. When it comes down to it, having a greater sense of security would suit you fine. If that feels like a distant dream, it's worth remembering that no one (not even the most stable-looking person you can think of) enjoys absolute security; there's always a chance things will go pear-shaped. And that applies to everything we desire and chase after. As your ruler links to Neptune, a cherished dream is at the forefront of your mind. You can take a significant step towards achieving a new level of comfort.
July 10, 2024
Librans are famous for their peace-making skills. So the fact you're feeling confrontational is taking everyone (including you) by surprise. Yet when you're dealing with a situation that matters to you, and the behaviour of some of the people involved is bewildering, it's only right that you question what's going on. But go gently. Since you're out of your comfort zone, it's easy to overreact. And you don't need to provoke a showdown. You just want to understand people's motives. With awareness, you'll gain the clarity you need.
July 09, 2024
Some people find it difficult to distinguish between colours that others can easily see. This can have a significant impact on their lives. But not being able to tell the difference between what's fair and what's not (which we all sometimes struggle to do) also has a bigger effect than we think. The Mercury/Jupiter link brings the clarity to tell the difference between two apparently similar problems. Once you've identified which one needs to be prioritised, you'll be able to focus. And, before you know it, you'll easily sort them both out.
July 08, 2024
Developing a thick skin and being immune to criticism sounds appealing. Whereas the idea of being so thin-skinned that you react to the slightest provocation doesn't. But in an ideal world, we need to find a balance between these two extremes. It's not about deciding to toughen up forever. Or choosing to long-term sacrifice your own needs for someone else's. If you're facing a difficult decision, remember that you're only making a choice to suit today's circumstances. The Venus/Uranus link promises exciting options ahead.
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