Chicago Fire, produced by Dick Wolf and cocreated by Derek Haas and Michael Brandt, premiered on NBC in October 2012. The drama series follows the professional and personal lives of firefighters and paramedics of the Chicago Fire Department at the fictional Firehouse 51. Led by Deputy District Chief Wallace Boden (played by Eamonn Walker), the men and women of Firehouse 51 are a tight-knit group that risk their lives every day to protect the citizens of Chicago.
Chicago Fire stars Taylor Kinney as Lieutenant Kelly Severide, Jesse Spencer as Lieutenant Matthew Casey, Monica Raymund as Paramedic in Charge Gabby Dawson, Kara Killmer as paramedic Sylvie Brett and Miranda Rae Mayo as firefighter Stella Kidd.
Chicago Fire pioneered the beginning of Wolf Entertainment’s Chicago franchise, followed by Chicago P.D. and Chicago Med. Each show follows a different public service department in the city, and there are frequent crossover episodes between the series.